My PLAB experience

Study Material : I used
1) OHCM (I read it completely) & OHCS ( just few topics)
2) A mcq book which I bought from Pakistan (most of mcqs are there on plab page, files section)
3) swamy 1700 mcqs(did them thoroughly twice),& Samson 1400( just superficially because of lack of time)
4) first aid usmle (only for consultation of few topics).
Preparation time:
Varies depending on you yourself. (Some manage to do it in a month or less). I spent almost 2 months and did not take any course at any academy.
About My exam (Nov 2014)
Almost 50% were repeated (but in some mcqs statements & options were somewhat slightly different)
Study material: swamy notes and dr.hameds notes.
Courses: swamy course (26th march- 6th april) and dr.hameds course (30th april til 5th may).my exam was on 19th may,2015
I am sharing my experience because I felt it might be useful for few to plan their exam and preparation. About the academy, I won’t recommend any specific academy because I think own effort and strategy counts more than anything. Academies and courses just guide you. No academy can give you a guarantee to pass or fail.
I found dr.swamys special class very useful and will recommend that to those opting for dr.swamys course. And about dr.hamed’s class, I would say that it made my preparation and knowledge systemized. Also he told some essential things station by station which should not be missed in any case that I think was useful. Most important thing I got after dr.hamids class was confidence as he repeatedly says that everyone can do it, as you are all doctorsJ.  However, I think those who are intelligent, have good study partner/s to discuss important points in every station and have good theoretical background can do well even without an additional guidance. Last thing I want to mention in this context is MOCKS. Please take all mocks because they really make your nerves in control and give an idea of real exam. I took mocks on 9th, 10th, 12th and 14th may. On 12th I took both siMman and full mock.
My exam stations:
 First station I had was ectopic pregnancy which was pilot (I came to know after exam that this was pilot). It went okay though my voice was very shaky in the beginning as it was my first station. Anyhow, i offered the lady painkiller, she became very comfortable after that. My second station was weight loss in young patient, the diagnosis was hyperthyroidism and patient gave very clear history (heart racing, periods very disturbed for 3 months, heat intolerance, etc). 3rd one was hematuria. I asked about pain bit later which I could have asked before in ODIPARA. Smoking history was there and simulator was cooperative. 4th was fudoscopy, dint go well because I dint make out diagnosis, I could see left eye only and it appeared normal. I don’t know what was the problem but could not see anyyyyy thing except an apparent hemorrhage in right eye, manikian eye ball was the only thing that was visible through fundoscope. Bell rang and I had to step out. 6th one was PEFR. It went okay, I had that twice in my mocks, in first mock I failed and in second I passed. They advised me in mock not to spend too much time on normal I followed that. Though simulator’s expressions were bit strange. 7th one was pain ladder in osteoarthritis. I started as dr.hamed said, ask about what painkiller he is already on, dose, is it helping etc. He said PCM and with maximum dose. I followed ladder n stopped at morphine and asked, “Would you like to know about things besides painkillers that can help?” He said, oh yes doctor. I told about diet ( I don’t know why ,I could have mentioned dairy products but I dint ) and then I talked about physiotherapy & exercise. 8th one was blood sampling, it went good. Examiner was Asian, I finished before time, but his expressions were very serious and grumpy. 9th one was abdominal pain in older patient, patient gave history of alternating bowel habits, weight loss, family history of bowel ca, smoking history positive, no PR bleed,. Then 10th one was primary survey, it went fine, examiner smiled when I told him the diagnosis and management, (spring test positive, fracture pelvis) patient was very cooperative but his right side was facing wall. i told the examiner in the beginning that I would like to examine by standing on patients right side, he said assume. 11th one was infantile colic. she asked me that how are you so sure that my baby has got no medical problem, I replied that I have asked important questions from you in the beginning , those I asked to make sure that there isn’t any medical problem going on. Then she seemed okay but I don’t know I passed this station or not as the lady asked me “the notorious question” (why dint your consultant tell me this yesterday?) when I mentioned infacol drops. She said why dint your consultant told me about these drops yesterday. I dint answer well I think but fortunately the bell rang. 12th was simMAN  pulse, bp and chest auscultation and  and bp was 110/70. I expected it to be 160/110 so I re-checked bp and that made my time management disturbed as I had to rush during chest auscultation. A second before leaving cubicle I told diagnosis. It was not very good way to do such an easy station. Then 13th was pilot one, DKA in child…I was short of questions in this station. Then came the rest station. I sat and had water. After rest 13th was diabetic foot. Sensory and reflexes. I could only reach up to vibration. I took the hammer and was explaining about reflexes when bell rang. 14th one was mesothelioma, breaking bad news. I forgot to mention palliative experts, Macmillan nurses etc . I just answered the patient’s questions briefly. 15th contraceptive in a DVT patient. Patient asked me exact percentages of each method which I dint know. Finally I said when she insisted to know that ok I will confirm it with my senior and will get back to you. (That was bit unexpected as I dint memorize the percentages). And last one was delayed walking, diagnosis was constitutional delay. I had that in mock so it went okay.
AFTER my exam: I won’t brag but I was unsure whether I could make it or not as I thought I dint do very  well in  fundoscopy, simMan, diabetic foot, infantile colic . But may be sympathy empathy, greetings, (exposure, covering in examination stations) were considered.
 And I just want to encourage all by saying that please don’t let your negative things dominate over your positive ones. No one is perfect and no one can reproduce 100% of the taught script. (I think so). And please decide everything according to your own caliber and stamina. It is not good to follow the mob. I planned my exam and course dates after getting advice from my class fellow because I was familiar with her study style and thought that her plan (and time duration for self-preparation after taking course) could work for me. That is why I gave sufficient time to get through the study material and practice.


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