Portfolio advice


In my non-training Job:
I maintained paper based portfolio and used the same for all of the interviews I attended. I also appeared in CMT interview in 2017 and passed it.

I started maintaining my portfolio properly since Dec, 16 since I did not know much about that before.

I have uploaded the documents in my blog that I used for my paper based portfolio.
(CBD, DOPS, Mini CEX and reflections template).

E-log book: -please maintain that right from the start of your job. It is very easy to maintain and gives you an edge if you intend to do surgical training. No charges apply to register an account.

link is https://www.elogbook.org/

In my O&G Training job:
I was given access to an electronic portfolio that I maintained according to RCOG matrix competencies. I have printed the RCOG training matrix and pasted it on my cupboard and tick the competencies as I go along that particular year of training.

O&G portfolio is not extensive but you do need to work on it right from start of academic year. I usually attain my required competency for that year by Feb/March time and our ARCP is usually in first week of May.

I will post more details on my O&G portfolio if required.


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